This episode is sponsored by Ithaca Strings.
Ithaca Strings IS Eric Aceto, a luthier, violinist and producer of the ISI dual pickup system. This system is by far the best and most honest sounding violin pickup system on the market right now! It blends an Electret microphone with a bridge pickup, both attaching to a stereo jack out under the chin rest. This means you get the solid sound of the pick up blended with the sweeter sound of the Electret mic without heavy cables attached to your instrument. Eric also makes amazing instruments and has made both pickups and violins for Jean Luc Ponty, Zach Brock, Matt Glaser and many other amazing musicians.
Jean Luc Ponty is THE living legend of jazz violin so Im super excited to share this episode with you. Jean Luc was one of the first people to play anything past swing and pre-bop jazz on the violin, he has been pushing jazz violin forward since his first solo record 'Jazz Long Playing' in 1964. We had a nice long chat about his development as a musician and how he keeps his chops up to scratch. I hope you enjoy.